
Materials: inks, Japanese paper, card, wool and silk fibres, mohair, synthetic yarns, wire

Technique:  calligraphy, collage

Size: 40 x 40 x 5 cm

Description: Dreams are essential precursors in our struggles to achieve our goals and fulfil our potential.

Blue seemed the ideal colour choice for this piece because it is restful and reflective. Blue, the colour of the sky and water, is the coolest, most detached and least “material” of all the colours. Blue symbolises infinity, truth, peace, intuition and spirituality in most cultures.

Hand-lettered inspirational quotes overlie a filmy cloud-like background. These kernels of truth and wisdom can sometimes become overshadowed and almost hidden amongst the veils of uncertainty and indecision. However they remain there, forming a firm foundation, and ready to inspire us when we most need it.


Exhibited at “FibreFest” at Brisbane Botanic Gardens Auditorium and at “Belle Arti” at Metro Arts, and in “Undercurrents” at Art Factory Gallery in 2011
Displayed at “Beyond the Surface” at Gallery 54 in 2012.
Displayed in “Common Threads” in Brisbane and SE Qld in 2013.
Exhibited in “Synergy” at Richard Randall Studio, Mt Coot-tha in 2014.
Produced as a Limited Edition
Purchased by private collectors throughout Australia


© Copyright 2014 Tricia Smout. All images contained in this site are under automatic copyright to the artist.

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Enquiries should be addressed to the artist - please see Contact page for details.