Variety is the Spice of Life

Materials: tapestry wool, canvas

Technique: cut-paper lettering design, tapestry

Size: 25 x 45 cm

Description: The words “VARIETY IS THE SPICE OF LIFE” have been formed into a rectangular design, and worked in black tapestry wool. The spaces behind the letters are filled with many different colours (none of which are repeated) to symbolise the diversity of humanity, and the spectrum of experiences we each encounter in our daily lives.



Printed in Textile Fibre Forum and displayed in my solo exhibition “Colourful Language” at Gallery 159, and at “Diversity on Display” in West End in 2007.
Displayed at Scattered Arts and in Annerley Library in 2008.
Displayed in “Undercurrents” at Art Factory Gallery in 2011 and in “Spectrum” at Gallery 159 in 2013.
Displayed as the feature artist at The Slab Hut in Samford in 2015.



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