Life’s Golden Highlights
Materials: assorted fabrics, inks, embroidery cottons, beads
Technique: lettering, embroidery, fabric painting, patchwork, hand quilting, sewing
Size: 150 x 39 cm
Description: Occasionally, for the lucky few prospectors, gold appears as gleaming flecks and nuggets and veins in otherwise seemingly worthless rock.
Similarly glimmers of hope and sparks of good fortune are hidden within the tedious dross and trivia of our everyday existence. In times of stress and turmoil, we need to develop the ability to seize these positive moments and embrace them.
This quilt features inspiring quotations about seizing offered opportunities, seeking cheerful experiences and aiming high to bring our dreams to fruition, while also making the best of the gloomy times. These gems of wisdom appear as bright sparks, written, embroidered and beaded on glittery and black fabrics, encased and surrounded by layers of less exotic materials.
Displayed in “Golden Textures” at Maryborough, Victoria and at Festival of Quilts in the United Kingdom in 2015.