ATASDA exhibitions

The Australian Textile Arts and Surface Design Association (ATASDA) organises regular exhibitions.

These are some in which I have participated.


This National organisation has branches in several states of Australia.

Find out more about the group ....  Visit the ATASDA website or the Queensland Branch Facebook page.


Palm House exhibitions (New South Wales branch) 

Recently I participated in the 2016 Palm House exhibition.

The theme was "Facade" and I made a dos-a-dos book entitled "Comedy and Tragedy".
It features theatrical masks embroidered in the covers, and information about the Greek Muses and other theatrical traditions on the inside pages.

The Palm House exhibition is held every two years.

In 2014 the theme was "Future Past" and I made a fabric pyramid " Past Present Future" which featured appliqued and embroidered text.
When opened more text was revealed on the base and on each on the triangular side. 



Beyond the Surface (Queensland branch)

This exhibition was held to celebrate 5 years since the formation of the Queensland branch of ATASDA.

My work is shown in this image.

"Dreams" is the blue fibre collage on the wall.
"Tropical Profusion" is the flowery tabbard on the mannequin.



© Copyright 2014 Tricia Smout. All images contained in this site are under automatic copyright to the artist.

Apart from fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act,

no part of any image may be reproduced by any process without written permission of the artist.


Enquiries should be addressed to the artist - please see Contact page for details.