
Motivational or humorous messages on a bookmark add interest to your reading!



Many ready-made designs are available for $2 (AU) each.


I can make one to suit your own needs ....

or I can design one to be handed out at corporate functions. 


These are my promotional bookmarks.

You can have one at no cost (except for postage) !


Each one has a quote about lettering tied on to it:

"If you want to learn the highest truth, begin with the alphabet"

"Letters are symbols which turn matter into spirit"


"The gift of words is the gift of imagination" 




© Copyright 2014 Tricia Smout. All images contained in this site are under automatic copyright to the artist.

Apart from fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act,

no part of any image may be reproduced by any process without written permission of the artist.


Enquiries should be addressed to the artist - please see Contact page for details.